Qlean Techs roots are in the foodservice and hospitality industries, focused on hygienic eqiuipment design along with the distribution and sales of advanced and highly specialied pesticidal generators.
Electro-chemical reactors mimic the immune system by producing a hypohalus acid (HOCl). That is why it is impossible for any verterbrate to develop sensitivity to acute and prolonged exposures to these solutions. The human body produyces the same active ingredients - and also produces the antidote. Instead of storing energy in battery acid as is done with AA batteries or car batteries for example, our equipment forces a chemcial change, separating Cl from Na, and H and O from H2O. energy in the sodium (Na) molecule
This includes range of machines that you load with salt and they make all of the cleaners and biocides you need from a very dilute brine - automatically. Machone s range in size from small wall mount units to large floor mount units capable of large scale production. One of the ECA brands we offer uses laminar flow electrolytic cells with a dielectric. All this means is that this type of machine produces both the cleaning solutions and the biocide at the same time. We also handle the ancillary commercial and industrial dispersal, dispensing, dosing and spraying and nebuliziong fogging equipment needed for biohazard remediation projects.
The powerful, high purity cleaning surfactants and biocides that we make in our machines that are not only as effective or more than the products you are presently using, but both are GRAS and provide no damage with dischage to the environment. We have applied to EPA (N-list) for a Company number needed to obtain label registration for our ready to use 24oz packaged product.
Ours is an ancient technology. First identified and characterized by Michal Faraday when he published his “laws of electrolysis” in 1847. Current tech has provided optimized systems that today, get incredible salt (precursor) conversion rates providing powerful biocides with up to a (6) month shelf life. Fruther, todays systems are continuous flow.
As you know, salt is NaCl, and water is H2O. These are the sole ingredients in our two base solution offering.
Where traditional products leave toxic residues, that’s not possible with electrolyzed water.. The only possible residue - is evaporated salt, if any.
With customers installations and clients in the EU as well as North America, Qlean Tech is known globally for its (30) years of experience working with dilute brine electrolysis in food, beverage and healthcare.